Crocodile Quiz

The purpose of publishing this demanding quiz is only to create a database, if indeed it teases your intellect... enjoy the ride! If you do have credible and authentic information please share the relevant information with source and send it to

1.      It is said there are between 13 to 23 subspecies of crocodiles on Planet Earth. What is the accurate figure? Please enlist the names of the different subspecies of crocodiles.
2.      What are the main distinguishing characteristics of the different sub species?
3.      Please give me 3 sentences about the habitat of each of the crocodile species.
4.      What are the main natural history behavioural characteristics of crocodiles in South Asia?
5.      What natural history behaviour is indicated by crocodiles raising their heads / necks? Is it for mating / courting behaviour or exhibition of anxiety/ juvenile behaviour ?
6.      Is it true that only Nile, Estuarine and Cuban crocodiles can hunt on land, not just in water?
7.      Which are the places where these different sub species of crocodiles can be found today?
8.      Which are the predators of crocodiles? Do fresh water crocodiles and estuarine crocodiles in the subcontinent have natural predators?
9.      Is it possible to get statistics of man eating crocodile attacks?
10.  Which are the hotspots of human crocodile conflict globally?
11.  What are the main causes for HCC?
12.  What are the threats to habitat of crocodiles?
13.  What are the reasons for severe HCC in Bhitarkannika National Park?
14.  Which are the most endangered of the crocodiles in India?
15.  Is it true that the Portuguese fed defeated soldiers of the Chalukyas of Badami to the crocodiles of the Kali River in the Western Ghats in the 16th century?
16.  Is there a dossier about man eating attacks by crocodiles in India?
17.  Any dossier on poaching and hunting of crocodiles in India / Myanmar / China / Indonesia / Cuba / Ghana / anywhere in Africa?
18.  More than TCM crocodile skins and nails are used in the fashion industry in advanced countries of Europe and America… How can this be mitigated? What are the loopholes in the laws that facilitate this?
19.  What are the distinguishable natural history characteristics of Caimans?
20.  What is the difference between American crocodile and Costa Rican crocodile and Cuban crocodile?
21.  Recently there was some published material that estuarine crocodiles have been documented swimming across high seas in the western Pacific Ocean … reaching up to the Hawaiian Islands. Do Hawaiian Islands have estuarine crocodiles?


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